Saturday, December 22, 2012

Book binding (French Stitch)

Assalammualaikum wbt..

Syukur alhamdulillah, buku ini telah sampai kepada tuannya..

Adik Nurul dari Kulai Johor berpuas hati dengan hasilnya..

Terima kasih dik kerana menyokong barangan handmade :)

Haila Craft sentiasa menghargai para pelanggannya..

Terima kasih semua!

French stitch


Annie Monie

Tape binding has become popular in recent years thanks to the appearance of machines like the Powis Parker Fastback 20. During the tape binding process, a strip of tape is wrapped around the spine of the document. This bookbinding method is used for creating paperback and hardcover volumes.

Book Binding Boston

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